
How Dynamics 365 Sales Can Help You Close More Deals

As a Salesperson building relationships with your clients, creating compelling pitches, and closing deals are your strengths. This requires significant preparation beforehand. But as you brush up on your sales skills and research your clients, you have loads of tasks like CRM updates, emails, and lead nurturing. The result, spending less time doing sales and more time on the necessary but time-consuming and redundant admin work like emails and CRM updation, which are not your strengths. The simple hack is to get yourself a handy administrative tool that handles all your client information and keeps track of all the administrative work which too can be automated for all the redundant tasks. Get Microsoft Dynamics 365 for sales and seal more deals.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM sales streamlines your workflows and boosts your sales win rate. It offers AI intelligent features  that automate repetitive tasks, reveal upsel and cross sell opportunities and streamline your sales process with targetted communication. It is equipped with a Sales co-pilot that is not just AI but a role-based sales AI solution. It will always keep the deep insights in front of you.

More deals with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for sales

Sales teams have a target that they need to achieve for it to be called a successful, skyrocketing sales quarter. No matter how much effort you put in, you’ll only be crowned when you bring in business. Here’s where dynamics for sales come in. It empowers you with so many features that you are bound to get a handsome number of clients for the business to flourish. 

  • Sales copilot, the AI assistant 

You’ll get so much with this AI-driven assistant. Get instant insights from long email threads, suggest personalized emails, and never miss a followup. Take advantage of this intelligent analysis that allows for bringing out the factors based on which previous clients were inclined to make a purchase and you can leverage them in your next sales pitch. You can also run a Microsoft returning customer campaign. It will keep you on track for what truly matters, forging connections. 

  • Strong Referral Networking

I know him and he knows them. That’s how the network works. The world is a small place where we keep on bumping into people who know someone we are already running after. Microsoft Dynamics understands basic networking and thus has integrated the biggest professional networking platform, Linkedin into Dynamics 365. You can instantly check if someone in your network knows the prospect and you can get a strong referral to get them to listen to you. A ‘who knows whom’ tab will also display the strength of the relationship of the colleagues already interacting with the prospect based on Office 365 activities.

  • Great Lead targeting with health scoring

The system pulls in intelligent data points such as tracking the health of the lead as warm or cold based on interactions over time. With this, you know which leads to contact and how to turn it into a winning opportunity. It offers a dashboard view ensuring you don’t miss out on any sales possibilities. By connecting it with the LinkedIn sales navigator you can get additional contextual insights and further find potential clients. You can call this opportunity sales process Dynamics 365.

  • Strategic Sales training

Sales training is an ongoing process, but most of the time it’s just the standard training of how to deal with the customer on a call, the response to a certain set of common questions, and certain SOP’s of what to mention and what to not. Here’s a point to ponder, not every salesperson is the same, and not every salesperson is making the same mistake. Go beyond generic training with personalyzed insights to improve on your teams communication and sales skills. With conversation intelligence analyze every sales call to analyze strengths, weaknesses, and competitor mentions.With this you vire your real competition helping you refine your approach.

  • Organized details at your fingertips

AI doesn’t stop at conversation but continues with note-taking. AI captures these key points from your meetings and emails, providing a centrallized and organized view. As a seller you are bound to take key notes in meetings vigilantly and avoid losing any important details and next steps. Microsoft sales productivity takes you a level up and makes sure you sign that deal.


To sum up, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful tool with CRM, AI, and business intelligence. It empowers you to seal deals faster with streamlined workflows, lead scoring and AI-powered insights. Boosts your sales team’s ability to close business deals. It covers the entire sales cycle starting from lead generation via LinkedIn and Zoom info, to nurturing it with lead health scoring and sales copilot. Your sales team will get stats and reports about their performances and can improve their interpersonal and sales skills. Not only this but with the sales accelerator you can manage your worklists efficiently. Dynamics 365 has done an amazing job in truly integrating AI in all aspects and forms of sales with call transcription, email contacts, etc. Your team will always be mobile no matter where they are, ensuring your remote teams stay at the top of their game. 

Want to learn more about how Dynamics 365 sales can help your sales teams close more deals? Discuss with our Microsoft dynamics experts to start on it.

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